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Repair - Replenish - Regenerate

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 What is Corneotherapy?


The name “corneotherapy” was coined by Prof Albert M. Kligman in the mid 1960’s and is a corrective skin treatment methodology that focuses on repairing and maintaining the skin barrier defense systems.

The Three R’s of Corneotherapy

  • Repair - When the skin is compromised (discoloration, redness, pustules or comedones, dryness, itchiness, etc.) it needs to be repaired.

  • Replenish - Ensure a healthy and viable cell membrane by replenishing it with nutrients applied topically and nutritionally.

  • Regenerate - Once the epidermal cells have been repaired and replenished, you can consider moving down to the dermis. This is where you determine what you need to focus on in terms of maintaining the skin barrier defense system.


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